Sunday 27 January 2013


Men in Black - Scott Spencer



Story of a Jewish, 40-year-old novelist who writes a puffed-up primer on UFOs, under a pseudonym he happens to share with the author of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." Meanwhile his teenage son is AWOL as a result of his father's sexual transgression. A hilarious send-up of our media culture and a powerful exploration of family life.


The story is about a novelist, the protagonist, who writes all the happenings in his everyday life and as well as the events happening in their society. During his time, the UFO thing is really a hot topic among the writers, so he decided to analyze and assay all the things concerning these UFO's. You could tell that those events that had happened in the story is interrelated with the author's experiences as a writer during those times. And it also shows us how the media culture affects the lives of everyone, whether it may be positive or negative. 

New Historicism brings back the role of history in viewing a literary work. The works tells us something about the surrounding ideology. This theory also tells us the psychological background of the writer.

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